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    Topic: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 1509
5.7 Years Ago

Ok dear ones~

Here are the challenge guidelines:

6 week challenge - long enough for a stretch, not too long to lose interest. Start 9-15-08. End 10-26-08.

Personal goals - make them as simple or complex as you need to challenge yourself for these next six weeks.

Group accountability - check in at least once a week, state your successes, your bumps on the road, and encourage others (checking on them if they’re absent for a time).

Realizing that some people need a place just to write things down for accountability, some need interaction; some are introverted, some extroverted; some are very athletic, and some couch potatoes, this forum is a good, clean, fun place to come and relax with others that are in, if not the same boat, the same body of water with different watercraft. We all have our own ways of dealing with the details, achieving things, and approaching things; we each have different backgrounds and experiences. We won’t always agree on everything, so let’s agree on this…as a group member:

I commit to challenge myself personally, actively seeking to achieve the goals I set forth.

I commit to learn from the others, not criticizing until I’ve walked across a country in their shoes.

I commit to supporting the other group members in their successes and struggles.

I commit to actively appreciating this gift called life.

This is the intrinsic beauty of this special group of people--we have chosen to come together for our own personal reasons in order to help each other succeed in health, movement, and progress.


     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08,: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 1509
5.7 Years Ago

I'll start by introducing myself. My name is Beverly and I am the moderator of this group. I have had an on-off, pretty much all or nothing, take on caring for my health and fitness my whole life. I've been way off over the past few months but have run in 5ks, a 10 mile and a half marathon when I was active. I'm stepping in to lead this challenge for selfish own motivation! I'm looking forward to getting nudged forward by my FJ friends. I'm a happily married wife, a grand-mother of 7, a great-aunt of 8 others, a dog-owner/handler/groomer participating in shows, a co-worker with my husband at our business, and am dealing with a number of life issues (who isn't?). I'm 47, have let my weight creep up (not horribly unless I don't get active now) but am not entering my challenge with a weight goal. My challeng for the next six weeks is to begin activity and drink water (4-8 glasses a day). By activity I simply mean a 20 minute walk 6 days a week with my dog. More would be great but not my goal. I feel if I can get these two things going again, I will be on my way to keeping my health. I am committed to my goals and to moderating this group. I will set up a weekly post in which to participate. I will have it up by Monday mornings each week, sometimes sooner. Are you with me? Beverly

PS We're thinking about all our friends on the Gulf who will be/are affected by Mr. Ike; may you all stay safe.


Member Since:

Total Posts: 262
5.7 Years Ago

Hi everyone. Here's the 'bit about me' part.....

I'm 51years old, have 5 kids, 2 grandkids, 2 dogs (the chihuahua doesn't need a lot of exercise!!), have been a couch potato most of my life but for some inexplicable reason started running about 7 years ago. Managed to complete a half-marathon about 6 years ago but now I know I didn't train nearly enough for it! Have had a longish break from running as I had problems with my achilles tendon but got back into it about 18 months ago. Last Christmas I ran the equivalent of a half marathon to prove to myself that I could!!! This year I had a break at the beginning of the year and started to put the weight on again so here I am! I've been running again since about April and gradually started doing other stuff too - I go on my exercise bike and rower and do sporadic strength training at home.

My goals are:

1) To do at least 60 mins training 6 days a week

2) To go swimming 2-3 times a week

3) To go to bed before 10.30pm at least 4 nights a week

4) To drink water more often than I drink tea at work!! At least 8 glasses a day

I've started working on goals this week to see how realistic they are. My long term goals are to drop one dress size and lose at least 14lbs in weight(don't think I'll do that in 6weeks!!)

     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 92
5.7 Years Ago

How fun. And what perfect timing. I was just finishing up a goal of my own for weight loss and exercise and was looking around for 'what next?'

So, for the next 6 weeks I'm going to keep doing what I've been doing:

1)Walk at least 5 days a week, with a goal of about 20 miles a week.

2)Strength train 3X per week, making sure to change things up as needed.

3)Eat well, using the Food Journal for guidance. I'd say 'eat clean,' but the sound of that scares me, even though that's pretty much what I'm doing.

These 3 things combined have worked really well for me, so my goal is just to keep doing them. I've burned off about 10 lbs. of lard in the last 7 weeks!

I also like to read books/articles that are fitness/health/nutrition-related for motivation, so if anybody has any suggestions to share, (or if you need any) please give me a holler!

I'm excited about this Challenge, and am looking forward to reading how everyone is doing every week. Beverly is an excellent moderator, and I think we are lucky to have her. Thank you, Beverly!

     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 92
5.7 Years Ago

Great, Angie! I'm glad you're joining us and look forward to hearing about your BFL Challenge!


     Re: Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1

Member Since:

Total Posts: 262
5.7 Years Ago

Morning everyone

Well I've had a really good start today already. I've been running for 55mins and then about 45 mins of strength training - upper body work - so I'm well over my target of 60 mins!! Just need to drink all my water and get to bed early tonight!!!

Keep moving everyone and let's all have a good day!!


     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 53
5.7 Years Ago

Alright! Let me jump in here before it's too late. Frist, here's some of the personal stuff. I am 47 with a fantastic wife and no children. I live in the cycling mecca of Sonoma County, California. Despite my huge miles on the bike this year I still need to drop 10-15 pounds (somehow I gained weight this year). Cycling is, and will always be, my primary sport of choice but it is time to add in some cross training.


1. Eliminate junk food!!! (It is the cause of my weight gain).

2. Maintain my high level of cycling.

3. Run twice a week.

4. Do strength & core workouts twice a week. (I HATE core workouts!!!)

5. Eat healthier (a little tough since I am living through a kitchen remodel).

6. In bed by 10:00 pm 5 nights a week.

     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 805
5.7 Years Ago

Hey Beverly,

Thanks to you and Ann for the invitation to get back into a group. Pardon my redundancy for those who have heard this before. Have been happily married to the woman of my dreams for 24 plus years. No kids and had a Border Collie named Pat for 15 years.

I have always been a "big" guy. From the "husky" sized jeans as a kid to I'm guessing close to 300 pounds as an adult. I have always used food as a comfort. During a very very stressful 1987 started smoking. Holding stress inside and with all that, you guessed it...April 16, 2003 ended up in the emergency room with a 100 % blocked main artery in my heart. After several shocks with the paddles, angioplasty, and a stent (my log in name is captstent) I figured the Lord was giving me another chance to be a better steward of my body. Especially since the location of my blockage is referred to by doctors as the widow maker. As it turned out I quit smoking about 6 hours before my heart attack. After 12 weeks of rehab, I started slowly but surely to run a bit. As of today have done a bunch of 5K's, 10K's, 15K's, several half's and 2 marathons. I'm in training for number 3. As a side note I've always compared myself to others so if the elite professional runners are major leaguer's, I figure I'm in little league. That means slow. Typically I finish in the bottom 10 in my age group. In my "glory days" I got down to 170. If you see a guy standing in one leg of a pair of shorts on a FJ calendar, that was me then. I've gotten back up to 212 so I run somewhat for fear I'll inevitable creep up again. I am pretty much doing something 6 days a week. Fear is a great motivator. Like on this past Saturday, my wonderful wife and I walked the 5K American Heart Association Heart Walk then after a bite for lunch went to a near by lake and ran in the leftover wind and rain from Ike for 18.5 miles in 4 hours and 41 minutes 14 seconds using the Jeff Galloway method of run/walk/run. Trying to work on my core to help support my bad back while I spend time pounding the pavement. So far I've managed to get wash rock abs or a 1 pack.

Now after finishing my novel my goals are pretty simple. More sleep is number 1. If I'm going to keep up my pace I need to get at least 7 hours of sleep instead of 4-5. Number 2 would be to get my core stronger. 3. maybe drop below 200 pounds. The last one is going to be hard because it's easy to burn 2500 calories on a long run then eat 3000 calories.

Lead on Beverly....lead on.

I'll try and post a more recent photo. From marathon number 2. This was a little past mile 17. Fortunately I knew where the photographer would be so as I rounded the turn I used much of my remaining energy to be somewhat upright until I passed him then back to my stooped hunched over running style.

[+] enlarge

     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 657
5.7 Years Ago

I'll join in on this as well.... and I'll post my goals either tonight or tomorrow.... thanks for the invite Ann :-)


     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 51
5.7 Years Ago

Hi everyone! It's great to read everyone's posts to help with the motivation I need, and I'm glad to join the group in this 6 week challenge!

My name is Tania, from Toronto Canada. I'm a 28 year old with a live-in boyfriend and a growing puppy (a little over 8 months now!) I've always been an on-again-off-again type of person in terms of diet and exercise, and I've been anywhere from 120 to 150 lbs. I'm sitting close to the 150 mark right now! My overall goal is to achieve my healthiest weight I have been (120 lbs) and maintain it! I've always had trouble losing weight, and i only tend to lose when it's not something I've been "trying" for and instead a "side-effect" of some short-term lifestyle changes (ie biking to work for 4 months, having no car for another 4 months, and a lot of outdoor work last summer). I'm hoping I can find some "lifestyle" changes that can be more permanent especially with the winter on it's way!

My goals for this challenge are to:

1. Drink more water everyday

2. Lose 5 lbs over the next 6 weeks

3. Walk the dog 20 minutes a day, 6 days a week

4. Do 60 minutes of training 5 days a week including:

- racquet sports 2x a week

- strength training 2x a week

- cardio and core training 3x a week

5. Eat fruits and veggies everyday and record my calorie intake on Food Journal

6. Wake up at 6:45am every weekday morning, and in bed by 11:00pm every weeknight!

     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 1509
5.7 Years Ago

It warms my heart to see all of our participants! Old friends and new! MOST EXCELLENT. I'm going to add two more goals to my list (I know...whoa girl!). They are to take my vitamins each day and to do my neck/spine exercises as directed 3x/week.

If you're reading this and are thinking about joining us...please do! Goals don't have to be weight loss oriented but can be stick to your training plan or something like that. This is to be an open forum for accountability (on whatever you feel the need for accountability)!

     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 1509
5.7 Years Ago

From FJ Motivation: To succeed, you need to find something to hold on to.... ~Tony Dorsett

     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 101
5.7 Years Ago

Hi Beverly

I am in for the 6 week challenge.

To introduce myself-I am 47 years old, married 20 years, with 13 and 16 year old girls and now 2 dogs, one 6 yrs and one 12 weeks.

I hit my peak weight of 257 lbs in 2005, at which point I knew I had to change something. I have managed to lose 80 lbs but have been stuck here since May, and worse, in the last couple weeks I have crept up a couple lbs. So it is time to nip it in the bud!

I joined Weight Watchers a year ago and was hoping to make goal by now, but have 20 lbs to go.

My new goal is 160 by 2019.

My goals for this 6 week challenge are:

1) No eating after 7 PM

2) Get at least 30 min of activity each day with no excuses!

3) Keep an acurate food journal (not just entering the food that I should eat, but what I actually do eat!)

4) Bike to work as often as possible

5) Run at least 3 times a week

So now I am off for a run!


P.S. Thanks to Beverly for getting this up and running!

     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 270
5.7 Years Ago

Beverly, I'm late but I am in. This weekend two old friends were in town to promote their new book titled "faster, better, smarter" by Eric Heiden and Max Testa ISBN 978-0-06-121523-0. I just paused from reading it to record my walk for today on FJ and saw Beverly's message asking me to join the six week challenge. i had just read were the authors say..."Six weeks is enough time for the milk teeth of improvement to emerge and not so long that you waste time if your plan needs tweaking".

My goal will be to average 1hour of exercise per day for 6 days weeks for 6 weeks...or 1hr/6days/week/6weeks... think of it as new math.



     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 640
5.7 Years Ago

Hi all - I'm in too. Here are some stats. Married 16 years, 2 girls (9&6), 2 dogs, 3 cats, 2 birds and 3 guinea pigs... I think that's all??? I am 41, started out at 235 3 yrs ago when I first signed up for FJ. Trying to work my way under 2 Bills, I am at 209 now. I am starting this a bit late, but these are my goals over the next 6 weeks:

* Exercise each day of the week. (Combo of weights, yoga, cycling, running and swimming.)

* NO JUNK FOOD - NADA - O - NO EXCEPTIONS - (I can not eat just one cookie.)

* Get back on the South Beech Eating Plan I was on.

* Every day ends with 50 push ups and 100 situps, after kids go to bed.

Today was no good, so I begin tomorrow...

Looking forward to it.


     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 640
5.7 Years Ago

I am embarassed to mention this since you all probably already know about it, but, I just entered the goals I wroteabove by clicking on the "Goals" button below. I entered my goals, put a discription, and put the time as 9-15 to 10-31.

They now appear on my home page each time I log in as a reminder. Very cool!!!


     Re: Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1

Member Since:

Total Posts: 262
5.7 Years Ago

Wow - what a great group!! I can't believe so many have decided to join!!!

I went to bed early last night for the first time in ages! This morning I went on the rowing machine for 45 mins and then did another 45 mins of lower body strength training, so I've covered my 60 mins for today, although I'm going to go to Yoga tonight I think. Drank all my water yesterday too!

I feel as if I'm 'on a roll', but with everyone on this challenge, we should be able to keep each other 'rolling along'!!!! :-)

Keep moving everyone.


     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 92
5.7 Years Ago

Good morning!

I'm off for my morning walk soon, but I just had to pop in to say:

What an excellent, vibrant, committed (and good-looking) group we are turning out to be!

The energy here is inspiring! Thanks to everyone for sharing, and have a great first week!

     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 657
5.7 Years Ago

My goals are (once I'm over my cold): to do some kind of activity a minimum of 4 times a week. Weather it's running, biking, weights, whatever for at least 20 minutes.... going to see the Doc tomorrow about some pain I'm experiencing.... hopefully it's nothin major....

Who am I some of you ask? Well, I'm 27 years old and live in the small town of Owendale MI. (If you look at the palm of your right hand I live on the left side of the thumb)My fiance moved in with me recently along with her 2 live-in cats. I have a dog that's about 11 months old. I love to run and am finding the longer 10+ mile races to be a great challenge. I've only ran in one 1/2 marathon and it kicked my butt at the end. At this point I can't see myself running a full marathon until I complete a 1/2 marathon feeling better than I did in the first one.... Right now I'm at the end of my racing season... School has started back up and I'm partially injured so I'm taking it quite easy until I see what the Doc has to say tomorrow...

I feel a cold coming my way so my goals for this week aren't looking so hot... Hopefully, it passes quickly and I can get back to doing something better than sitting around doing nothin....

     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 80
5.7 Years Ago


Thanks for the invite - I AM ALL IN!!!

Goals for the 6 Weeks:

1. Lose 10 lbs.

2. Drink 60 + ounces of H2O per day.

3. Run 1 minimum of 18 miles /week.

4. Clean up my diet!!!

5. Take my vitamins and supplements every day!

6. Log in to FJ daily.

Tonight is the season premiere of the "Biggest Loser". Let us be an inspiration to all in the group as the members of the show are an inspiration to each of us! We will fail - but it is important to get up and learn from our mistakes and proceed foward. Remember- this is a journey - One Day At A Time!!

Good Luck to All!!!


     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 51
5.7 Years Ago

This is a nice big group! And a lot of people to help me stay motivated!

I'm so impressed at how many of you run 1/2 marathons, marathons and even anything over 10K, as I can barely run a 5K!! And all of you that have kids, grandkids etc.. I don't know how you do it!! I only hold down a full time job and have my dog to take care of (oh and a guinea pig) and I find there's so little time in the day... tell me your secrets!!

I play badminton, and last night was the start of the season for the league which was exciting. I got a good workout in and want to stick with it PAST Christmas this year!! The league plays twice a week, and I want to make sure I'm always making the monday night, and whenever I can the friday nights. Last year I went on vacation to India for 3 weeks in January and never got back into playing when I came back. From that point to this summer I gained 10 lbs! Part of it was getting a new job that puts me in a car commuting an hour each way ... more hours a day sitting and not adjusting my intake or activity to account for it!

I know we started only as of yesterday, but I'm proud that I am 3 for 3 right now (got in exercise both days in the weekend) and today's my day off since tonight we have a band practice -- not anything special, but a couple of us get together every so often to play and we are rehearsing for a fundraiser we're playing at in the first week of November. Should be fun!

     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 270
5.7 Years Ago

Rode the carbon steed to work this morning 9 miles, feels great to be back in the fold,


     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 1509
5.7 Years Ago's under the women's only section!

Tania...please turn on your sharing so people can send/receive personal messages to/from you. Go to the FRIENDS tab and on the left side near the top you'll see: My Sharing Status: Sharing is turned ON. Your's says OFF so just click on it to turn on. You'll find the challenge more enjoyable and all your personal stuff is still private. People can only send messages and see your activity.

HEY CHRIS WATSON, PAGING MR. CHRIS WATSON...I've got a feeling that some of these threads could get pretty long. Is there any way to put in a bookmark? I'm thinking of it as a moveable bookmark to mark the last place a person's read up to so we could click on it at the top of the thread and it would bring us to the spot within the thread. Can something like this be done?

PS Here's recent pic of Maverick and me with the judge that gave him Best of Breed a couple weeks back.

[+] enlarge

     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 53
5.7 Years Ago

Hey guys this is GREAT. Thanks to Beverly for putting it together and inviting me. I love reading ya'lls stories-- keep them comming!!!

So, about me- I'm 24 years old and a senior in college (graduating in DEC!!!!) and starting a masters degree in Jan at Virginia Tech. I too have a puppy **well, dog, but he's little so i still call him a puppy** Rusty and he is a GREAT running partner. My boyfriend is currently deployed to Iraq and I would love to suprise him when he gets back with a fit buff body. I am in the VA Army National Gaurd as well and try to stay in shape for that anyway. My major is actually in Human Nutrition, Food, and Exercise and my masters program is Health Promotion/Health Education. Oh day soon I plan of being a health educator/nutritionist for a community. I wont't really go into all that right now, but if you want to know more I LOVE talking about my great plans [i guess i'm still young enough to be excited about it]. I'm a news buff and LOVE LOVE LOVE working out. I have started making it more of a priority in my life rather than i'll do it if i have time attitude that I developed over the past couple of years with some hard classes to study for. OK OK OK, enough [i could go on forever] my goals:

1) Eat like I know I should!! I"m also trying to be a vegetrian so i'm learning how to eat better that way.

2) Make exercise a priority

3) Stick to my workout program... again make it a priority

That really sums it up and covers a lot, but here is my weekly program:

Monday (9/15): off

Tues: pilities and weights in the morning, step and sculpt class in the evening

Wed: Running in the morning

Thur: yoga and weights in the morning, cardioboxing class in the evening

Friday: Running in the morning

Saturday: Walking (with Rusty), yogalates class and cardioboxing class

Sunday: Running in the morning, Powerlift class in the evening

** I do plan on a lot so there is some wiggle room in my plan**

Good Luck Everyone

     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 640
5.7 Years Ago

Today was a good day. Hit all the goals. Thanks to the group for accountability. I had a run in with a vending machine, but made the healthy snack choice instead of the Snickers or Hersey Bar with Almonds. Knowing I had set this goals steered me in the right direction. ~ JC1.5

     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 59
5.7 Years Ago

Hi All -

It's pretty obvious that Beverly is quite an organizer by looking at all these people who are joining the 6-Week Challenge.

A little bio about me: I'm 57, mother of 4 grown kids and 4 grandkids (none of which live that close by). I used to be a smoker, but quit a few months before turning 40 = double whammy on the metabolism. The pounds have slowly accumulated though I have managed to get to a realistic weight a couple of times. I'm now in the high 150's and would feel a lot better at about 135.

For right now, I'm going to focus on getting more consistent exercise so I'm going to start by commiting to a 20-minute walk at least 3x per week. If I can get that down, then I can expand to something more.

I can already tell this is going to be an awesome group - Onward and Upward!!

     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 1509
5.7 Years Ago

This is a good place for friendly accountability. Since one of my goals is to walk with the pup 20+ minutes a day and I, for whatever reason...coming down with a cold (thanks husband!), rather sit on my growing duff (whine, whine) or who knows!...I thought to myself, "hey, how can I orchestrate this group if I don't participate! So we went for our walk, in large part, thanks to you guys~

It's great to see everyone joining stick with it!!!!!!! (Um, just for today. Just for today I will....)

     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 51
5.7 Years Ago

Thanks Beverly - My sharing is now ON! I don't really know what that's for, but I'm sure i'll find out soon!

Feeling pretty good today! I like the effects of getting active again.

The boyfriend is at home sick today (I am trying my hardest not to get it so it doesn't thrown in a setback for me!)which lets me go to the gym straight after work instead of having to go home right away to let the dog out. Cardio and weight training today - first day back for the latter in a while so we'll see how sore it makes me! I love weight training for some reason, but I feel i don't usually get enough cardio in so I'm trying to focus more on the cardio this time through. Especially so I can improve my terrible endurance and stamina, and my "natural" muscle is quite higher than the average woman I think so there is no need for me to try and build up a lot more.

I do want to start more into yoga and pilates to improve my flexibility and core strength but am struggling to find when I can squeeze it in as I don't want to have it encroach on my other activities (I'm assuming it doesn't burn near as many calories as running or racket sports??). Does anyone have suggestions that work for them? I'm not a morning person, and I already have to get up at 6:30 for my hour commute to work, but I'm willing to hear any suggestions! Also is it effective if you're only doing it once a week or so, or do you need it to be a regular routine to see progress?

     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 270
5.7 Years Ago

Just a about we all submit a picture to Chris for the daily picture session. Some of the pictures there are getting a bit dusty. Lets infuse some new energy with new photos...


     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 214
5.7 Years Ago


I'm in. My laptop was stolen so I've been away from the computer for past several days and will only have limited access for next couple of weeks. But, I'm so excited for each of you! I'll study about some solid goals and report back when I can.


     Re: Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1

Member Since:

Total Posts: 262
5.7 Years Ago

Everyone's really going for it - it's great to see!!

I went swimming last night as well as exercising in the morning, so that was some unexpected activity!!! This morning I was planning on going running, but for some reason (!) didn't hear the alarm! I woke up about half an hour late and went on the exercise bike instead and then this evening I did some weights, so I've done more than my 60 mins again!! :-) Ate too late to go swimming tonight. I've had my water and plan on being in bed early, early, early!!!

Keep on going everyone - we can do it if we support each other!


     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 1509
5.7 Years Ago

I know...let's send him a group photo! (cuz I'm a blonde, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)(No offense to any other blondes out there! Especially you CB)

     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 51
5.7 Years Ago

Still going well and still not sick!! I'm hoping it's these new good habits that are keeping my immune system in full swing!

I did a bit of running last night -- a little disappointing at how much I've regressed on that, my shin splints were acting up - was also a different treadmill so I'm not sure if the impact was different -- but I'm still glad I did it, I did run/walk intervals to condition my shins, and by the end they seemed much better. I do think a lot of it has to do with form as well, and I find it's harder to keep good form when the running muscles aren't there yet. So it's all about building it up and keeping at it!!

I'm not quite up to where i should be with drinking water, but it's definitely getting better, I was in bed at 11:00pm, walked the dog, I ate my fruits and veggies (veggies could increase still), and I did my cardio and weight training last night (which I know I'm going to be sore from!!). Didn't quite get up at 6:30 this morning though! it was more so 6:55... ooops!! I'm happy with my progress so far and that I'm not overdoing it so I feel like I'm burned out or need a "long break" (which usually starts my falling of the wagon if I do)...

Good work everyone!

     Re: Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 51
5.7 Years Ago

Question: Has anyone tried hot yoga? Comments? Feelings on it?

     Re: Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1

Member Since:

Total Posts: 262
5.7 Years Ago

Linda, I think you're right to accept that what is done is done and just continue moving forward. I read an article that said concentrating on the weekly calorie intake allowed for days when you can't stick to it and also the body stays on it's toes if some days you eat less, some days you eat more - a bit like changing your exercises around so that your body doesn't get used to them!

I went running this morning (got up a little later but not too late to go!!) and then did about 45 mins of lower body strength training when I got back. I've been out and about all day at work so haven't drunk a lot of water, but I did have quite a bit this morning before I went and I'll hopefully catch up tonight. (I work with young offenders in the community).

I was later than I planned going to bed last night - I started watching a film (that I've seen before!) and just carried on watching it!! I don't usually watch films late at night so an unusual happening for me!

Everyone seems to be doing well :-)


     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 32
5.7 Years Ago

Hi everyone and thanks to Beverly for getting us started and for the invite.

My goals for the 6 weeks

1. Walk or ride my stationery bike for at lease 30 min 6 days a week

2. Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day

3. Weight train (upper body) 3 days a week

4. Core work 3 times a week

5. Eat healthy

     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 1509
5.7 Years Ago

Welcome newbies! Glad to have you join. WHAT A GROUP WE'VE GOT GOING, EH? INDEED!

     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 270
5.7 Years Ago

Thank you motivated me to watch the football game while doing the treadmil and lifting some weights,

Thank you

     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 101
5.7 Years Ago

So far , so good. I have been on tract with eating and have been biking to work and doing some running. comes the weekend! This is my downfall, so I will have to stay extra focused.


     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 640
5.7 Years Ago

Good News - Bad News - Good News,

Good News - I have thought about this group every day and it is great to have the accountability.

Bad News - I work in the financial industry and this week has been really stressful. Thus I am not hitting on all cylinders - not meeting all my goals.

Good News - I have avoided junk food and have kept to watching what I eat. It's the exercise I need to add in.

Gald to see everyone pumped up!!

Never tried Hot Yoga - but a good friend does it religously and loves it. It's his only form of exercise other than surfing.


     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 657
5.7 Years Ago

Doc says no running for at least 1-2 weeks and no ab workouts. :( But I can get on my bike. Unfortunately I'm also sick with a cold and am utterly exhausted by the time I get home from work. So no biking until I'm over this cold. Start physical therapy this afternoon. Hopefully it don't take to long to get this muscle that I strained back to normal.... Have a great w/e folks!


     Re: Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1

Member Since:

Total Posts: 262
5.7 Years Ago

Went running again this morning for just over half an hour - wasn't going to go but....when you're in a group you just HAVE to don't you!!!! Then I did 30 mins of strength training too, so that's my 60 mins for today, although I'm thinking of going swimming tonight. I've been to the loo so many times that I just KNOW I've had all my water!!! Was in bed early last night too, so feeling pretty good about sticking with it.

Hope everyone has a good weekend and doesn't do too much of what they know they're not supposed to!!!!


     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 32
5.7 Years Ago

I just got started yesterday so far so good. I got in 30 min on the stationary bike last night and did pretty good with the water and eating.

So far today I have done good with the eating and have had 3 bottles of water. When I get home from work I will get on the bike.

Sunday I am walking in the Race for the Cure. My bosses wife is a breast cancer surviver. She has just had her 1 year anniversary. She formed a team and there are 95 of us walking with her. I am looking forward to it I am sure we will have a lot of fun.

     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 51
5.7 Years Ago

Everyone around me was getting sick, I get it was inevitable... I thought my immune system was fighting it off! All of a sudden this afternoon I am feeling worse every moment (and feeling a fever start)...

So today's not so good of a day, but i'm going to try to stay focused at least on the goals I can still acheive...

Secondly arms are SUPER sore from weight training on Wednesday night. I've never been this bad before - I think I chose a weight that was much to high for me not being there for a while, and because of that my form was compromised, and today I can't bend my arms fully!!! I think I tend to have weak triceps if I don't continually work them out, OR I have stressed them from some of my site work (repetitive motions) because of how bad they are today. I woke up in the middle of the night almost crying with the pain!! I did yoga last night instead of cardio/core training b/c i figured I was going to be sore and it probably helped with my lower half, but not the upper! I also did a fit test for myself right before that, so i'm wondering if that did me in -- the pushups section of it, I did 20 full pushups 6 weeks ago, and yesterday i literally FORCED myself to get to 6! ahhhhh!

So i think exercise for the next few days is going to be a write off with the soreness and sickness combined, but I'm still in good spirits (right now!) and I'm going to still do everything that i can including the daily 20 min dog walks, eating healthy, water intake and getting decent amounts of sleep. I'll do some yoga or light cardio too if I'm not 100% useless.

     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 1509
5.7 Years Ago

What's with the sickness, eh? Been down the last few days with it myself...head cold stuff. YUK. However! Even though I've not kept my walking goals this week, I have kept up the other. Just pooped and been working. In bed by 8:30. Crazy! Still, am motivated by this group and proud of each one of you. Need I remind you?????? PROGRESS NOT PERFECTION! C'MON WEEKEND!

     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 270
5.7 Years Ago

Think of it as a garden, not a sprint. We are preparing the ground, turning the soil...gettin it just right for the seeds that we will plant, we'll add water, nourishment, sunshine, and we'll all harvest the fruits of our labor, but not until they are ripe...and they won't ripen overnight,

Headed to the hills for some down time tomorrow, the sierras are beautiful this time of year,


     Re: Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1

Member Since:

Total Posts: 262
5.7 Years Ago

Morning everyone (well it's morning here and a beautiful one at that!)

I've been out running today and did just over 6 miles. When I got back I'd more or less decided that I wasn't going to do the strength training but then talked myself into doing just two exercises, but once I started, I went through my whole lower body plan!!! So quite pleased with myself at the moment.

I know what you mean about the painful arms - last weekend I could hardly walk because I did wall squats and lunges (I think I did 60 of each!!) and my muscles were absolutely screaming!!! It took about 3 days for them to feel comfortable again - I didn't realise they were so weak, especially with the running I do! The good side is that I've carried on doing those exercises this week (every other day) and I can do that number now without it causing me a problem. I guess the message is - do enough but not too much!!!!

Have a good weekend everyone.


     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 80
5.7 Years Ago

Good week has gotten better!

A good week for my diet and exercise! Day off yesterday and today as I will be attending the Ryder Cup in Louisville, KY. Go USA!!!

Single matches do not start until 12:00 pm Sunday so I will get a 6 mile run in

at the hotel's treadmill.

It will bee interesting to see Monday A.M. if I did as well on my diet as I think.

Don't let your week's gains be erased by a weekend that doesn't have a solid plan for.


Will check in Monday with my results for the 1st week.

Have a great weekend!


     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 805
5.7 Years Ago

Past Whitehorse on the Canada map and Perth on the Australia one. Got in 8 one mile repeats at the track but just barely. Guess I've gotten about 6 hours average sleep per night. Signed up for a half November 2. Plan on an 8 mile Turkey Trot Thanksgiving and then the big M December 14. Will sign up for it on my birthday the 26th.

     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1
Member Since:

Total Posts: 1509
5.7 Years Ago

Bob! I'm glad this is a personal challenge~yours makes me tired reading it!!! Good for you-whooo-hooo

     Re: Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 1

Member Since:

Total Posts: 262
5.7 Years Ago

WoW Bob - that's some challenge!!!! I'm with Beverly - glad it's yours and not mine!!!!

Had a rest day today and slept in!! Raring to go for next week!


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