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    Topic: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 4
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Total Posts: 1509
5.6 Years Ago

Positive Self Talk

Sometimes we get in a rut and we don’t even realize it. I’m talking about an ingrained pattern of negative speech and thought patterns. For example, I only cleaned a room instead of the whole house. I only walked. I just maintained this week. I barely made it to work on time. BUT! You cleaned a room, enjoy it! You walked and many others cannot or did not but you did! You didn’t gain this week; how many people would love to maintain? You did make it to work on time; whew! We sometimes frame things in the negative rather than the positive. Why? Does it come from our parents teaching us to be humble, not wanting to brag? Or, if I say it negatively am I possibly looking for someone to contradict and/or compliment me…? Why speak in negative terms when we can speak positively? Pay attention and remember that when you speak negatively you are reinforcing negatives in yourself as well as passing along a pattern to others (children perhaps?).

“Would you ever have the nerve to talk to anyone else as callously as you talk to yourself? You have done nothing to deserve abusive treatment, and you deserve an apology.” ~Jane R. Hirschmann and Carol Munter

“You can't expect to prevent negative feelings altogether. And you can't expect to experience positive feelings all the time...The Law of Emotional Choice directs us to acknowledge our feelings but also to refuse to get stuck in the negative ones.” ~Greg Anderson from “The 22 Non-Negotiable Laws of Wellness”

Now tell us what you accomplished this week~

     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 4
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Total Posts: 53
5.6 Years Ago

Beverly, thanks so much for your little messages. They really do help. I hope everyone had a good week. My last week was very busy with work and putting everything back into the kitchen following a remodel. So I did not hit my goals as I should. I did manage to make both runs and did my usual serious cycling. However, the core workouts, junk food (the more stress at work, the more junk I eat) and in bed by 10:00 all fell by the way side.

Oh well! This week I will refocus and see if I can do better.

If anyone wants to read more about the running and cycling, you can check out my blog.

Lee's Blog -

Have a great week everyone. And keep the motivational messages coming!!!

     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 4
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Total Posts: 657
5.6 Years Ago

Another good week overall. Only walked the dog once, but did get in a few runs and on the stationary bike more often than not. Have an off day today due to school and will be right back at it again tomorrow after my therapy session in the afternoon. (that is all provided that I am still cleared to run, there shouldn't be any setbacks :D)

New goals this week:

1) Walk the dog once

2) Run 3-4x 2-3 miles each time

3) Ride my stationary bike 3-4x

4) "Keep on Keepin on" =)

Have a great week everyone!!


     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 4
Member Since:

Total Posts: 92
5.6 Years Ago


Good post, Beverly! I've been exercising pretty faithfully, but got good and sick of keeping track of what I was eating for a few, oh, just a couple of 2, 3, 6 days--how do you enter or measure the equivalent consumption of your own body weight in those special orange-filled Halloween York Patties?

Anyway, right on target you are with the upbeat post! I ate like a sow at a trough for several days, but look how much I exercised! Yay for me!

This week:

1). Eat more moderately. That's the ticket.

2). Take vitamins

3). Keep walking just about every day

4). Strength train 3X this week

And I have to thank whoever it was (was it in the 6-week challenge group?) for getting me hooked on that show, "The Biggest Loser." I don't watch TV if I can help it, but find this show to be fun and inspirational.

Have a great week!

     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 4
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Total Posts: 51
5.6 Years Ago

It's been another bumpy week for me, but I'm going to keep on going and not getting myself into my usual "oh i give up" phase for a couple weeks. Beverly those motivational quotes are great for me considering that's all i've been doing this week! Angie -- I love how your ab exercises sound! I'm going to try them out for sure.

Didn't get in too much exercise since Monday night except a couple walks, but I did try Hot Yoga for the first time yesterday! It was great, but really did a number on me as I was pretty immobile for the rest of the day. It was a 90 minute session and I think I should have rested for the last 30 minutes since I was pretty dizzy at the end if i tried to do anything. It is encouraging/motivating seeing all the other participants (in various levels), but some that have obviously been doing it for a while and have GREAT flexibility.

I need to make a pact with myself to try my hardest these next 3 weeks, and the only way I can get there is making a goal of trying my hardest this week like it's the only week i have to think about.

I'm going to note some accomplishments I have made in these last 3 weeks that I wouldn't have got to otherwise:

- an almost regular 6x a week routine of walking the dog (and most walks are at least 3.2 km which end up being longer than 20 minutes)

- playing badminton every monday night

- drinking more water than I used to

- consciously eating more fruits and veggies, and eating "lighter" lunches.

So this week my goals are to build on that and accomplish more of my 6 initial goals!

     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 4
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Total Posts: 101
5.6 Years Ago

Great post Beverly.

It is too true that we are often kinder to strangers than we are to ourselves and our families, and sometimes we have to remember to focus on the positives.

On that note I did ride my bike to work each day it was possible, and I ran in a 5k fundraiser for breast cancer yesterday. The run made me remember how good I feel after I run, so now I just need to figure out how to bottle that feeling, so I can take a swig when I need the boost.

My goals this week remain the same. Run three times, bike to work, and refocus of the food intake.

Have a great week everyone.


     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 4
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Total Posts: 1509
5.6 Years Ago

Lee, thanks for the kind words and I’m glad I help! Your situation is a reminder that this is about balancing one’s life. Remember, balance doesn’t have to be a daily event…perhaps balance a week…PROGRESS, NOT PERFECTION PEOPLE!

Scott, great job with the balance…now don’t forget your pup :) Glad you’re therapy is working!!!!!

Ann, you keep moving girl! This is a good time of year to vow not to eat anything orange~

Tania…badminton sounds fun! And you’re right to keep your focus on the NOW!

Dani…you guys can do the 5k….really, if you can walk it you can train for it and accomplish it. It is NOT simply about the running of it but the stretch in it…accomplishing a goal. GO GIRL!

Gerry…you da g! It’s about the movement dude :)

Linda, you did check in, you did drink water, you did move and so on; most importantly, you ARE staying positive. YAY!

David~how long ago would you have thought 5.5 hours of exercise, ME? EXCELLENT!

Ingrid, consider your mind your bottle. You can relive the feeling any time you CHOOSE!

Lady Di, you’re already moving mountains, look how much further you are than 2 years ago. You are a force with which to reckon! This is not ALL OR NOTHING…this is PROGRESS, NOT PERFECTION!

When I was having a down day a while back (regarding fitting in, worrying about what others were saying, blah, blah, blah) my chiropractor told me this: “What anyone else thinks of you is none of your business.” I laughed out loud. Thin about it dear ones!

Now, where are the rest of our people? This is a group commitment and you’re part of the group (by your own promise by the way, no force on any one else’s part…)

     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 4
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Total Posts: 59
5.6 Years Ago

Hi All - OMG - you guys are all so motivating. Beverly, you are so right - what good are we to ourselves or anyone else if we spend all our time and energy in beating ourselves up?

I only got my one long walk in last week, but it was a doozy. I did a ditto tonight and cut about 3 minutes off my time - and that was with my walking partner with me this week. We did GOOD.

My goals for this week:

1 more long walk; 1 shorter one

Drink 2 big water bottles of water every day

Stay away from junk food (if it's not in the house, I can't consume it)

Be in bed by 10:30 every night (preferably by 10)

I think I'll also try re-using the old Nike mantra - Just Do It!!

I'll let you know later in the week how it's going. We will persevere - right?


     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 4
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Total Posts: 80
5.6 Years Ago


What a week everyone has had. A good week here also! Got in 24 miles and my diet was better this week. Water intake was good.

This week I need to adapt as I am on the road for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday!

Diet will be important as treadmilling at the hotel!

We are one-half of the way in our program! Evaluate where you have been and plan for where you are going.

Good luck to all!


     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 4
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Total Posts: 51
5.6 Years Ago

Lee - I really like your blog! It's so encouraging to know that even you guys who are so much more active still have to struggle with "battling that voice in your head" in order to push through and get something done! I should keep that in mind so I can strengthen my will power!

This weekend is going to be a good test for me. It's Thanksgiving weekend (in Canada) and we've got a lot of big dinners and delicious desserts... and considering that this is the first year me and my "new" fiance will have to actually attend every single one of them (because we have to make our "rounds" with the extended families to announce our engagement in person even though everyone knows). So it's Dinner on Saturday at his mom's with his step-dad's family, Lunch on Sunday with my family (both parents sides) and Dinner on Sunday with his dad's sides family. And there will have to be a separate visit to his mom's family (mainly the grandparents) since we won't be seeing them at one of the dinners. So a lot of driving in between!! So I'm going to have to get creative with my exercise! I'll likely have to squeeze in some exercise on my normal "off" days (Tuesday and Friday) wherever I can.

On another note, last night at badminton I played so much better than I expected! I was playing with some of the really good male club players since there are only a few good female players and won a few games! I do have to work on being able to move like I used to on the court, but I'm sure that will come with time, and when I'm "lighter" on my feet!

     Re: Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 4

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Total Posts: 262
5.6 Years Ago

Beverley, it was interesting reading your starter about how we think about ourselves. I was only reading an article yesterday that said that our minds give up before our body's need to - we need to work on tips that keep our mind distracted when it tries to do that!! I have to admit that I often feel like that when I'm out running - I think to myself that I've really had enough and I could just walk from here on in, or I could just turn left here and go the quick way home. I do manage to keep going though - I question myself and ask if anything is hurting - the answer is usually no - I then ask myself if I'm dying because I can't breathe - again the answer is (usually!!) no - then I tell myself that I'll feel more positive about myself if I just carry on and run all of it and - you've guessed it - I just keep right on running!! (and the poor dog has no choice in the matter!!!!) Then when I get home I go on to do strength training too!!! As Beverley said earlier, who would have thought several years ago that I would be doing 90 mins exercise nearly every day!! And if you'd told me that when I was at school, I would have laughed in your face (except I was too shy!!) - I did everything I could do to avoid ANYTHING that was remotely connected to exercise!!

The bottom line is that when your mind is saying 'No I can't', the techniques are (1)to switch between focussing on your body to see if it needs to stop because it's injured or to aid concentration on how well it's doing (2)distract yourself by concentrating on something else.

The fact that everyone is logging on and discussing what they are doing is POSITIVE. How many of your friends/relatives are making that kind of effort? How many of them are putting the work in to do something purposeful for themselves? I think a target for everyone should be that we don't say 'I only did....'

On Sunday, I didn't feel like doing anything but I DID 20 mins on the exercise bike. On Monday I could have gone running, but I DID 45 mins on the rowing machine. I drank all my water. I got my sleep. I spent quality time with my partner. I walked the dogs for 20 mins three times each day. I made some home-made parsnip and apple soup and a lasagna. I DID, I DID!!!!! :-)

Not only CAN we do it, we ARE doing it. Everyone is working so hard. Keep it up!!! :)


     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 4
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Total Posts: 100
5.6 Years Ago

I had planned on joining the 6 week challenge week 1, but had no motivation. So rather than wait for the next challenge, I'm starting today, right now, at 8:05pm. (I know the day is almost over) So for the rest of the week, and challenge.

1. Drink water.

2. Walk/Run 4 times a week.

3. Watch what I eat

4. Run a Marathon.

That's right. I have been registered for the Des Moines Marathon for months. Initially I was a rock star at training, and then life happened (weird) and I became a slug. (Wait, that's negative) My goal for the marathon......... Finish. That's it. I don't care about my time, I'm just going to finish.

I love reading everyones posts. You're all inspiring.

     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 4
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Total Posts: 214
5.6 Years Ago

hi, Ya'll, I'm still here. New laptop up and running. it's great to see all the posts.

Beverly is sooo very good at leading this.

My goals for this week.

Drink water. 5 x day.

Record intake 4 days.

Walk 10 miles.


Easy enough.


     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 4
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Total Posts: 92
5.6 Years Ago

Gang, I just had to share this. I stumbled across it last night while Googling something--and what a great find it turned out to be! (Isn't that often the case?) Though aimed at women and weights, it's something anybody who has an interest in fitness should at least look at to further their knowledge and appreciation of this type of endeavor.

Very good information, inspiration, and motivation!

Let me know what you think!

     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 4
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Total Posts: 59
5.6 Years Ago

So nice to hear from some folks we haven't heard from in a while. I think this week has been the most motivating I've had - I love reading all the positive things people are saying - even when they haven't done as well as they'd like to.

I've actually gone for walks 3 days in a row (I had a goal of doing 3 for the whole week) and I feel so good - physically and mentally. Tomorrow will be a rest day because my knees are letting me know I'm trying to do too much too fast - so I'll listen to that.

I do have to say, too - I was in town a little later tonight than usual and took the back streets to get to the freeway. There were all kinds of folks out walking their dogs - getting their exercise. So - for all you dog owners, I was thinking about you.........

All in all - I'm very pleased with where I'm at this week. I have to just continue to "Just Do It"!!

     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 4
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Total Posts: 51
5.6 Years Ago

I just have a little rant for today because I'm frustrated that I didn't get my exercise in last night - and i was completely in the zone and prepared to do it! My fiance's dad came over for a "last minute visit" again last night which is great, but his visits are not just a pop in since he's driving 2 hours to come. So he's there right when I get back from work at about 6:30pm and spends the night to leave the next day. Any other day i'd probably just shrug it off but considering we're going to see him this weekend for Thanksgiving got me a little frustrated since it robbed me of my gym time! Even my fiance was annoyed because he has to work late for the next 4-6 weeks because a project is getting wrapped up and has to be done in time. He is in town to visit his two daughters too (one lives with us right now) so it's not like i have much say in the issue (and not that I want to cause a scene).

Ah well, just needed a rant. I'm getting in 90 minutes of Hot Yoga tonight for sure since I've made a plan with a friend, so hopefully this makes up for it somewhat, although yesterday was my scheduled cardio/weight training night. I'll have to put in some time Friday night at the gym, and maybe a run on Saturday morning before we head out for all the festivities.

     Re: Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 4

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Total Posts: 262
5.6 Years Ago

Hi everyone

I've completed 45 mins of cardio on Wed, Thurs and Fri but didn't do my strength training as I had to leave early to be at work. I was determined to do it in the evening but my plans were scuppered too!!! Still, I'm pleased that I did something as it would have been very easy not to do anything at all!!! I've had my water and just about met my sleep target. I haven't weighed myself in ages as I don't feel as if I've lost anything and don't want to demotivate myself!!!

Hope everyone has a good weekend.


     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 4
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Total Posts: 1509
5.6 Years Ago

You people are inspiring...Tammie, I agree with you on the plans things, and I don't think it's rude, it's life. If I show up unexpectedly I get what I get, 5 minutes away or 5 hours. I used to be in purchasing and we all had a sign on our walls...poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine. Not entirely a correlation here but you get the idea.

I am glad to see you guys hanging in there. Feeling a bit hypocritical about leading this group since not attaining my own goal ('cept water!). Bob, I'm impressed with your 5 a.m. Sara with your extra credit. And everyone else with all you are doing and/or attempting to do. Thanks dear ones! Beverly (And Loretta, thanks for the kind words m'dear!)

     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 4
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Total Posts: 59
5.6 Years Ago

Hi All - Overall - I've done very well this week so I am rather pleased with myself.

I had planned to walk 3x - actually got in 4 (though one was on the treadmill due to snow on the ground and howling winds).

I hadn't planned any weight training, but did get a couple small routines in so that was good.

Did very well on the water (thanks for checking on me about that Loretta)

I also got more rest and paid more attention to what I'm eating. The scale isn't showing any drop, but the clothes are fitting better, so I don't really mind what the scale says. All in all, this has been a very good week.

Beverly - you are still an encouragement just in making your presence known and you do still keep doing "something" positive in spite of what life throws at you. I for one really appreciate you.

Happy Thanksgiving to our friends in Canada. Talk to you all again next week!!

     Re: 6 WEEK CHALLENGE 9/15/08-10/26/08: WEEK 4
Member Since:

Total Posts: 32
5.6 Years Ago

Hi everyone,

This week was a wash to much to do but next week I am going to set aside 1 hour every day for my workouts. I am also going to be more careful about what I eat. We have gotten into a really bad habit of eating out most of the time. This weekend I am going to get myself organized and try and cook most nights.

I am so gratefull to you Beverly for getting this started. Thank you soooooooo much

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